People create their own drama.
Nowhere on your birth certificate did it say life would be fair.
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing you will make one.
You don't fail if you fall but you fail if you don't try to get
back up.
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that
you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
To handle yourself....use your head but to handle others....use
your heart.
If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect
then why practice?
If you don't stand for something then you'll fall for anything.
Always be yourself because those who mind don't matter and those
who matter don't mind.
Always expect the unexpected.Dreams can give you wings but it takes all your life to learn how to fly.
For every minute you spend lose sixty seconds of happiness.
You'll never see the stars if you are always looking down.
Madness chases some....but waits for others.
Trying to be popular is not being true to yourself.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's
why we call it the present.
Listen closely to your enemies because they tell you your faults.
Fear is nothing but the anticipation of pain be it physical, mental,
spiritual or emotional.
What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters to
what lies within us.
Be more concerned about your character than your reputation because
your character is who you are and your reputation is what others think of you.
Life: Too many freaks.....not enough circuses.
Don't take life too won't get out alive anyway.
Everything you do will come back upon you....3-fold for the normal
shit and 10-fold for the freaky shit.
Let the world know you as you are....not as you think you should
Seize the moment cause tomorrow you might be dead.
Without order nothing can exist but without chaos nothing can evolve.
Infatuation is the state of mind which has nothing to do with the
The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.
First defense against evil....OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES.